Interesting things happen.

Lord showed me my way. By Willard Eichmann.

One night I was returning to my room from an absolutely glorious church service! When I closed the door, the LORD said, I know you had a wonderful time singing and shouting and praising the LORD, and yes, it was glorious. However, I want to remind you that the outpouring of GOD'S spirit you just experienced is in direct relation to how much my son suffered on the cross. I said to myself, oh, my, GOD, looking at ii that way, how he must have suffered, and it made the service even greater!

When a woman gives birth, the pain is so great that her natural reaction is, "let me push as hard as I can and get this over with," but that is the worst thing she can do; she has to relax and let nature have its way; So it is now.

The pandemic is so painful for so many that we want to push and hurry and get it over. But the best thing to do is relax and let GOD have his way, and while we are doing that, we can witness to someone who is seriously considering suicide; they're all around us. 

What a GLORY that will be when they get saved!

Willard Eichmann

3 My Testimonies posts
