God matters the most.

It’s not what people think, matters. By Gerard Kreiger.

This was one of the darkest times in my life. I went back to Australia after my aunt’s funeral. 


Almost as soon as I got back, I called my best friend. I thought a chat with her would make everything better. But she didn’t seem to understand or even really care about what I was going through. 


During this time, I lost my motivation for life and everything that I used to care about didn’t seem to matter anymore. I stopped trying hard at school, I didn’t feel like going out with my friends and I stopped trying to please everyone around me. Even my best friend seemed to have abandoned me. And at the core of it all, I was consumed by my doubts about God. But that’s when I asked my youth leader for advice. 


She reminded me that it is God’s grace in the first place that saves us. God is the one who graciously gives us the faith to believe in Jesus. I needed to stop trying so hard to have enough faith by my own abilities and just trust in God who is faithful and powerful. I needed to come to God just like a little child needing her Father. I needed to realise that it didn’t matter how much or how little faith I had, because Jesus, the one in whom I trusted, was strong and would faithfully carry me through. When I realised this, it was such a relief! That’s when I knew for sure that I am accepted by God. I


t’s not because of anything I have done, but it’s because of everything God has done. He’s the one who sent Jesus to bring me forgiveness. God accepts me completely and unconditionally on the basis of what Jesus has done and welcomes me into His arms. He loves me so much that He would send Jesus to die for me. This has made such a big difference in my life. I don’t have to keep striving for other people’s approval, because I know that I’m already accepted by God. I don’t have to worry about what other people think of me. I know that people will let me down from time to time. 


But God is faithful and won’t ever let me down. I am so thankful that He loves me unconditionally and accepts me because of what Jesus has done. He is the friend I have always been looking for and I know that when I talk to Him, He is always there to listen. He is my heavenly Father who holds me in His arms. I’m not saying that life is perfect now. I still struggle with wanting people’s approval. I often find myself worrying about what other people think of me. For example, when I started as a high school teacher, it would really get to me when students didn’t like me. Or even now, I often find myself thinking back on a conversation with someone and wondering what they thought of me. But the difference with my life now is that I am sure of God’s love, forgiveness and acceptance. He accepts me despite all of my insecurities and fears, and He is slowly changing me as I learn to trust Him more and more. Ultimately, I know that it isn’t what other people think of me that counts, but it’s what God thinks of me.

Gerard Kreiger

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